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Welcome to Low Gear | because the world is not flat!

Let the adventure begin

At Low Gear, we are passionate about Land Rover Defenders as expedition vehicles, and we are committed to designing and developing high quality and innovative products that are used to convert the Defender 110 and Defender 130 to expedition vehicles. All of the products developed by Low Gear have been tested on our Defender 110 and Defender 130 during our overland travels.

Overland travels in an expedition vehicle is one of the most unique and rewarding methods of travel. The combination of independence, freedom to explore remote destinations and the ability to freely interact with your surroundings are essential ingredients for a great adventure. Traveling in a Land Rover Defender brings a sense of adventure during any journey to any destination.

The Land Rover Defenders, with their high ground clearance, large cargo carrying capacity, excellent suspension, mechanically simple, and with good fuel economy, make it an excellent platform for building your expedition vehicle.

Let the adventure begin with innovative products from Low Gear.

Expedition 110

defender110Defender 110, having 1,000 kg carrying capacity and more than 1,000 km range with full fuel tanks, make it a very good platform for an overland expedition vehicle. Outfitted with a roof top tent and other expedition products and accessories, this vehicle is ready for an adventure. For more details about the Expedition 110 Defender, click here.

Expedition 130

defender130Defender 130, with 1,500 kg carrying capacity and more than 2,000 km range with full fuel tanks, make it an excellent platform to build an overland expedition camper. For more details about our Expedition 130 Defender, click here.

Innovative Products

innovativeLow Gear, developed unique and innovated products that have been tested on our Expedition 110 and Expedition 130 vehicles. For complete information about our high quality products click here.


newsLow Gear, has completed the design of our prototype Expedition 130 camper and construction has started. After one year of research and development, we have finalized the design. For more information about our Expedition 130 camper and other products for the Defender 130, click here.